The EMP mode is designed for use cases where only Charging Keys are exchanged with Plugsurfing. In this mode, Plugsurfing does not have the list of users.
Charging Keys - GET
Returns all charging keys associated with the given fleetId
. If not fleetId
is set, it returns all charging keys.
The response is paginated, and if there are more keys than can be returned in a single response, a cursor
property is included. This cursor can be used in subsequent requests to retrieve additional keys, until there are no more results, at which point the cursor
will be omitted from the response.
Endpoint: /emp/v1/charging-keys
Request parameters:
(string, optional) - Filter charging keys assigned to a specific Fleet idcursor
(string, optional) - Cursor used to fetch the next set of keyspage_size
(string, optional, default 100) - How many keys should be returned, 10 to 500
Example parameters:
Example response:
- OK
"keys": [
"keyIdentifier": "3633e0e0",
"validTo": "2022-01-24T11:25:54.210Z",
"contractId": "DE-9FS-C045DS363-E",
"visualNumber": "DE-9FS-C045DS363-E",
"fleetId": "y1nNLJqb7m",
"enabled": true
"cursor": "0VEAR5v76m"
(array, required) - List of charging keys:keyIdentifier
(string, required) - Charging key identifier in hexadecimal, little-endian formatvalidTo
(string, required) - Date until the key is valid.contractId
(string, required) - Charging key contract idvisualNumber
(string, required) - Identifier printed on the physical key.fleetId
(string, optional) - Fleet idenabled
(boolean, required) - Charging key is enabled or disabled. Default: true
(string, optional) - If there is more keys than page_size (default 100), cursor can be used in next request to get the next batch of keys
Error responses:
- Forbidden. Missing Authentication Token.500
- Internal server error.
Charging Key Create - POST
Create a charging key.
Endpoint: /emp/v1/charging-keys
Request body:
(string, required) - Charging key identifier in hexadecimal, little-endian formatvisualNumber
(string, required) - Identifier printed on the physical key.fleetId
(string) - Fleet idenabled
(boolean) - Charging key is enabled or disabled. Default: truecontractId
(string) - Charging key contract id. Optional (by default, we will create it for you)
Example body:
"keyIdentifier": "e0e03336",
"fleetId": "y1nNLJqb7m",
"contractId": "DE-9FS-C045DS363-E",
"visualNumber": "DE-9FS-C045DS363-E",
"enabled": true
Example response:
- OK
"keyIdentifier": "3633e0e0",
"validTo": "2022-01-24T11:25:54.210Z",
"contractId": "DE-9FS-C045DS363-E",
"visualNumber": "DE-9FS-C045DS363-E",
"fleetId": "y1nNLJqb7m",
"enabled": true
(string, required) - Charging key identifier in hexadecimal, little-endian formatvalidTo
(string, required) - Date until the key is valid.contractId
(string, required) - Charging key contract idvisualNumber
(string, required) - Identifier printed on the physical key.fleetId
(string, optional) - Fleet idenabled
(boolean, required) - Charging key is enabled or disabled. Default: true
Error responses:
- The provided query parameters, route parameters or body is invalid.409
- Charging key already activated.500
- Internal server error.
Charging Key Enable - PUT
Enable a key (after it was previously disabled) for charging. Key used here needs to be created before.
Endpoint: /emp/v1/charging-keys/{keyIdentifier}/enable
(string) - keyIdentifier provided when creating the charging key.
Example response:
- OK
"keyIdentifier": "3633e0e0",
"validTo": "2022-01-24T11:25:54.210Z",
"contractId": "DE-9FS-C045DS363-E",
"visualNumber": "DE-9FS-C045DS363-E",
"fleetId": "y1nNLJqb7m",
"enabled": true
(string, required) - Charging key identifier in hexadecimal, little-endian formatvalidTo
(string, required) - Date until the key is valid.contractId
(string, required) - Charging key contract idvisualNumber
(string, required) - Identifier printed on the physical key.fleetId
(string, optional) - Fleet idenabled
(boolean, required) - Charging key is enabled or disabled. Default: true
Error responses:
- Forbidden. You have no access to this charging key.404
- Charging key not found.500
- Internal server error.
Charging Key Disable - PUT
Disable a key. It will immediately make Plugsurfing reject all authorization requests made with this key.
Note: Some CPOs store whitelisted keys, so in some rare cases it might take a bit longer time until charging is rejected.
Endpoint: /emp/v1/charging-keys/{keyIdentifier}/disable
(string) - keyIdentifier provided when creating the charging key.
- OK
"keyIdentifier": "3633e0e0",
"validTo": "2022-01-24T11:25:54.210Z",
"contractId": "DE-9FS-C045DS363-E",
"visualNumber": "DE-9FS-C045DS363-E",
"fleetId": "y1nNLJqb7m",
"enabled": true
(string, required) - Charging key identifier in hexadecimal, little-endian formatvalidTo
(string, required) - Date until the key is valid.contractId
(string, required) - Charging key contract idvisualNumber
(string, required) - Identifier printed on the physical key.fleetId
(string, optional) - Fleet idenabled
(boolean, required) - Charging key is enabled or disabled. Default: true
Error responses:
- Forbidden. You have no access to this charging key.404
- Charging key not found.500
- Internal server error.
Charging Key Orders - GET
Fetch a list of charging key orders belonging to supported organizations.
Endpoint: /emp/v1/orders
Query params
(iso datetime string, optional) - date value to filter orders that were created aftertoDate
(iso datetime string, optional) - date value to filter orders that were created beforestatus
(string, optional) - value to filter orders by statuspageSize
(number, optional) - number of orders to returncursor
(string, optional) - value to fetch next batch of paginated orders
Response fields:
(array, required) - list of orderscursor
(string, optional) - cursor value to access next pages
Example response:
- OK
"products": [
"id": "aYnky297eG",
"address": {
"country": "Austria",
"additionalInformation": "test test",
"firstName": "Frans",
"lastName": "Anderson",
"address": "First Way 261b",
"city": "Wistful Vista",
"postalCode": "85960",
"companyName": "Low area Corp.",
"addressLine2": "Suite 9"
"quantity": 1,
"product": {
"id": "Am07b6Q7JZ"
"created": "2023-06-26T10:00:00Z",
"organizationId": "JoEl1xoP7r",
"status": "ORDER_ASSIGNED",
"updated": "2023-06-26T12:00:00Z"
"cursor": "Cml116D3OZ"
Error responses:
- Internal server error.
Assign Charging Key Order - POST
Mark order as Assigned
Endpoint: /emp/v1/order/{orderId}/assign
(string) - order id to be assigned
Response fields:
Example response:
- OK
"id": "aYnky297eG",
"address": {
"country": "Austria",
"additionalInformation": "test test",
"firstName": "Frans",
"lastName": "Anderson",
"address": "First Way 261b",
"city": "Wistful Vista",
"postalCode": "85960",
"companyName": "Low area Corp.",
"addressLine2": "Suite 9"
"quantity": 1,
"product": {
"id": "Am07b6Q7JZ"
"created": "2023-06-26T10:00:00Z",
"organizationId": "JoEl1xoP7r",
"status": "ORDER_ASSIGNED",
"updated": "2023-06-26T12:00:00Z"
Error responses:
- Internal server error.
Session start - POST
Start session for EMP
Endpoint /emp/v1/sessions/start
Request body:
(string, required) - connector idkeyIdentifier
(string, required) - charging key identifier
Example body:
"connectorId": "aHeS4zN1UjzJf/HVDH66SbaItXqHvfLxexulktxTqJavgcbozuV9KJGqNYjmaQPwTb4Ck9wTZcWeEdfeco1srw==",
"keyIdentifier": "BnZd3qp87z"
Example response:
200 - OK
"sessionId": "0gLAoxYQepp"
Error responses:
- The provided body is invalid.500
- Internal server error.
Session stop - POST
Stop a remote charging session by providing a session id. Only sessions started remotely can be remotely stopped.
Endpoint /emp/v1/sessions/{sessionId}/stop
(string, required) - session id
200 - OK
Error responses:
- The provided body is invalid500
- Internal server error.
Session by id - GET
Get session by session id
Endpoint /emp/v1/sessions/{sessionId}
(string, required) - session id
Response fields:
* - Available only if session is in COMPLETE status
(string) - explained in more detail in StatusesbalanceStatus
(string, optional) - can be one of ["PROCESSING", "PAID", "DEBT", "REFUND"]. Should be ignored for External Clearing.charger
(string, optional) - is available only after a session has successfully startedconnectorId
* (string, optional)energy
* (object)unit
(object) *currencyCode
(string) - 3-letter currency codeminorExclVat
(string) - VAT percentage ex. "17.5"
* (boolean) - if true, receipt is ready and its URL can be fetched from session receipt endpoint.
Receipt is not generated for External Clearing.sessionId
(iso datetime string)
Example response:
- OK
"sessionStatus": "COMPLETE",
"balanceStatus": "PAID",
"charger": {
"chargingStationName": "ZzZ 220218114136937169",
"connectorLabel": "1",
"evseId": "NO*XXX*EZzZ220218114136937169*1"
"chargingKeyType": "virtual",
"connectorId": "abcJd/vR5fvzBa0X/gxaXA==",
"duration": "PT15M",
"energy": {
"unit": "WH",
"value": 1840
"price": {
"currencyCode": "NOK",
"minorExclVat": 0,
"minorInclVat": 0,
"vat": "25"
"receiptAvailable": false,
"sessionId": "Zw4z33VbNYC",
"site": "ZzZ 220218114135485264",
"startTime": "2022-02-18T10:41:39.148Z"
Error responses:
- The provided query parameters, route parameters or body is invalid404
- User or session not found500
- Internal Server Error
Product order
- id (string) - the id of the order
- address (object)
- country (string) - country
- additionalInformation (string) - additional information
- firstName (string) - first name
- lastName (string) - last name
- address (string) - address
- city (string) - city
- postalCode (string) - postal code
- companyName (string) - company name
- addressLine2 (string) - address line 2
- quantity (number) - the quantity value
- product (object)
- id (string) - the id of ordered product
- created (string) - the date when order was created
- organizationId (string) - emp organization id
- status (string) - the status of order
- updated (string) - the date when order was update
Geosearch radius
See: Geosearch
Geosearch route
See: Geosearch
Get location by id
See: Geosearch
Location batch
See: Geosearch
Updated 3 months ago